PY-SIL API Reference

The pysil library defines following classes


The pysil library defines a class PYSILModuleBase. This is a base class responsible for callback registration and cleanup. It register all callback specified in configuration during init phase 1 and unregister them during cleanup phase.

class pysil.module.PYSILModuleBase(config)

Bases: PYSILBase

Base Python module for PY-SIL-APP Registers all callbacks, intialize, etc.

flag_internal_error() ENUM_STATUS_T_

Add log information about file, method and line with an error and return ERR_INTERNAL_VAL

log(msg: str, log_level: str = 'INFO')

logging data from the module

send_notification(name: str, data: dict | None = None, stream_name: str | None = None) None
  • @brief Send a notification.

  • Create an internal notification message (agt_not_msg_t) and queue

  • it for delivery to client sessions.

timer_create(timer_fn: callable, seconds: int, cookie: dict | None = None, is_periodic: bool = False)

Creates a timer

timer_delete(timer_id: int)

Deletes a periodic timer


class pysil.module.SILCbGet(scb: LP_STRUCT_SES_CB_T_, msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_, get2cb: LP_STRUCT_GETCB_GET2_T_, module_name: str, callback_info: dict)

Bases: SILCbBase

The SILCbGet class is a comprehensive control block used in GET2 callbacks. It encapsulates all necessary pointers and information required for the execution of the GET2 callback methods.

add_return_data(data: list | dict | str | int, has_more: bool = False) ENUM_STATUS_T_

Adds data to return

  • data (dict, list, str or int) -- provide return data here list (for list of objects), dict (for single object), str or int (for simple leaf nodes)

  • has_more (bool) -- set to True if has more data to return



property ancestor_keys: dict

Ancestors keys for silcb

property callback_info: dict

Property to get callback_info

property cbmode: int

Reason for the callback (get or getnext), compare with GETCB_MODE_T values

property choice_active_case: str

FOR CHOICES ONLY! Current active case

property client_addr: str

This field contains the client address involved in the transaction. or None

property get2cb: LP_STRUCT_GETCB_GET2_T_

Contains a pointer to the session control block that initiated the request, representing the current session's context.

property local_keys: dict

Local keys for silcb

property local_keys_fixed: list

Local keys fixed for silcb

property local_keys_present: list

Local keys present for silcb

log(msg: str, log_level: str = 'INFO') None

Adds message to log

property module_name: str
property msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_

Pointer to incoming XML message header


Pointer to scb

send_terminal_message(message: str) ENUM_STATUS_T_

Sends message to terminal

set_choice_active_case(active_case: str) ENUM_STATUS_T_

FOR CHOICES ONLY! Sets active_case to specific value for choices.


active_case (str) -- Provide active case string here



property username: str

user_id value or None

property utils: PYSILUtils

returns utils for the silcb


This class describes control block which is pivotal in managing the intricacies of EDIT3 callbacks, ensuring that all necessary data and context are readily available for efficient processing.

class pysil.module.SILCbEdit(editcb: LP_STRUCT_AGT_EDITCB_T_, module_name: str, callback_info: dict)

Bases: SILCbBase

The SILCbEdit class is a comprehensive control block used in EDIT3 callbacks. It encapsulates all necessary pointers and information required for the execution of the EDIT3 callback methods.

property ancestor_keys: dict

Ancestors keys for silcb

property callback_info: dict

Property to get callback_info

property cbtyp: c_uint

Indicates the reason for the callback, which could be one of several types from AGT_CBTYP_T, such as:





property client_addr: str

This field contains the client address involved in the transaction. or None

property curval: LP_STRUCT_VAL_VALUE_T_

This field refers to the current container/list values from either the <running> or <candidate> configuration, which could be None for certain operations like create.

property curval_json: dict

This field refers to the current container/list values from either the <running> or <candidate> configuration, which could be None for certain operations like create.

property editop: c_ubyte

This enumerator represents the parent edit-config operation type, affecting how the callback operates on objects. Possible types from OP_EDITOP_T include:






property local_keys: dict

Local keys for silcb

log(msg: str, log_level: str = 'INFO') None

Adds message to log

property module_name: str
property msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_

This pointer refers to the incoming RPC message in progress, detailing the specific request being processed.

property msg_id: str

txid_str value or None

property newval: LP_STRUCT_VAL_VALUE_T_

This field contains object that holds the proposed changes to be applied to the current configuration, varying based on the editop value.

property newval_json: dict

This field contains object that holds the proposed changes to be applied to the current configuration, varying based on the editop value.

property scb: LP_STRUCT_SES_CB_T_

This field contains a pointer to the session control block that initiated the request, representing the current session's context.

send_terminal_message(message: str) ENUM_STATUS_T_

Sends message to terminal

property update: LP_STRUCT_VAL_VALUE_T_

This field contains a merged value of all new and current values from the datastore, streamlining the update process.

property update_json: dict

This field contains a merged value of all new and current values from the datastore, streamlining the update process.

property username: str

user_id value or None

property utils: PYSILUtils

returns utils for the silcb


This control block is pivotal in managing the intricacies of RPC Validate callbacks, ensuring that all necessary data and context are readily available for efficient processing.

class pysil.module.SILCbValidate(scb: LP_STRUCT_SES_CB_T_, msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_, methnode: LP_STRUCT_XML_NODE_T_, module_name: str, callback_info: dict, nsid: int)

Bases: SILCbValidateInvokeBase

The SILCbValidate class is a comprehensive control block used in RPC Validate callbacks. It encapsulates all necessary pointers and information required for the execution of the RPC Validate callback methods.

property callback_info: dict

Property to get callback_info

property client_addr: str

This field contains the client address involved in the transaction. or None

property errorval

Property errorval recorded by set_errorval method

property input_params: dict

Returns dict with all parameters for callback object

log(msg: str, log_level: str = 'INFO') None

Adds message to log

property methnode: LP_STRUCT_XML_NODE_T_

This pointer refers to the XML-specific node being parsed if available. This can be used for error reporting if no 'val' or 'obj' parameters are available (from the request message).

property module_name: str
property msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_

This pointer refers to the incoming RPC message in progress, detailing the specific request being processed.

property nsid: int

namespace ID for silcb

property scb: LP_STRUCT_SES_CB_T_

This field contains a pointer to the session control block that initiated the request, representing the current session's context.

send_terminal_message(message: str) ENUM_STATUS_T_

Sends message to terminal


Use method if you would like to set an errorval when error returned. The errorval will be recorded to the server.

property username: str

user_id value or None

property utils: PYSILUtils

returns utils for the silcb


This control block is pivotal in managing the intricacies of RPC Invoke callbacks, ensuring that all necessary data and context are readily available for efficient processing. It's basically the same as SILCbValidate with added method add_return_data().

class pysil.module.SILCbInvoke(scb: LP_STRUCT_SES_CB_T_, msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_, methnode: LP_STRUCT_XML_NODE_T_, module_name: str, callback_info: dict, nsid: int)

Bases: SILCbValidate

The SILCbInvoke class is a comprehensive control block used in RPC Invoke callbacks. It encapsulates all necessary pointers and information required for the execution of the RPC Invoke callback methods.

add_return_data(data: dict) ENUM_STATUS_T_

Adds data to return


data (dict) -- provide return data dict here



property callback_info: dict

Property to get callback_info

property client_addr: str

This field contains the client address involved in the transaction. or None

property errorval

Property errorval recorded by set_errorval method

property input_params: dict

Returns dict with all parameters for callback object

log(msg: str, log_level: str = 'INFO') None

Adds message to log

property methnode: LP_STRUCT_XML_NODE_T_

This pointer refers to the XML-specific node being parsed if available. This can be used for error reporting if no 'val' or 'obj' parameters are available (from the request message).

property module_name: str
property msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_

This pointer refers to the incoming RPC message in progress, detailing the specific request being processed.

property nsid: int

namespace ID for silcb

property scb: LP_STRUCT_SES_CB_T_

This field contains a pointer to the session control block that initiated the request, representing the current session's context.

send_terminal_message(message: str) ENUM_STATUS_T_

Sends message to terminal


Use method if you would like to set an errorval when error returned. The errorval will be recorded to the server.

property username: str

user_id value or None

property utils: PYSILUtils

returns utils for the silcb


This control block is pivotal in managing the intricacies of Action Validate callbacks, ensuring that all necessary data and context are readily available for efficient processing.

class pysil.module.SILCbActionValidate(scb: LP_STRUCT_SES_CB_T_, msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_, methnode: LP_STRUCT_XML_NODE_T_, actionval: LP_STRUCT_VAL_VALUE_T_, module_name: str, callback_info: dict, nsid: int)

Bases: SILCbValidateInvokeBase

The SILCbActionValidate class is a comprehensive control block used in Action Validate callbacks. It encapsulates all necessary pointers and information required for the execution of the Action Validate callback methods.

property actionval: LP_STRUCT_VAL_VALUE_T_

Pointer to the input node represents the start of the specific action being invoked. The auto-generated SIL code can derive all the ancestor keys from this data structure.

property ancestor_keys: dict

Ancestors keys for silcb

property callback_info: dict

Property to get callback_info

property client_addr: str

This field contains the client address involved in the transaction. or None

property errorval

Property errorval recorded by set_errorval method

property input_params: dict

Returns dict with all parameters for callback object

log(msg: str, log_level: str = 'INFO') None

Adds message to log

property methnode: LP_STRUCT_XML_NODE_T_

This pointer refers to the XML-specific node being parsed if available. This can be used for error reporting if no 'val' or 'obj' parameters are available (from the request message).

property module_name: str
property msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_

This pointer refers to the incoming RPC message in progress, detailing the specific request being processed.

property nsid: int

namespace ID for silcb

property scb: LP_STRUCT_SES_CB_T_

This field contains a pointer to the session control block that initiated the request, representing the current session's context.

send_terminal_message(message: str) ENUM_STATUS_T_

Sends message to terminal


Use method if you would like to set an errorval when error returned. The errorval will be recorded to the server.

property username: str

user_id value or None

property utils: PYSILUtils

returns utils for the silcb


This control block is pivotal in managing the intricacies of Action Invoke callbacks, ensuring that all necessary data and context are readily available for efficient processing. It's basically the same as SILCbActionValidate with added method add_return_data().

class pysil.module.SILCbActionInvoke(scb: LP_STRUCT_SES_CB_T_, msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_, methnode: LP_STRUCT_XML_NODE_T_, actionval: LP_STRUCT_VAL_VALUE_T_, module_name: str, callback_info: dict, nsid: int)

Bases: SILCbActionValidate

The SILCbActionInvoke class is a comprehensive control block used in Action Invoke callbacks. It encapsulates all necessary pointers and information required for the execution of the Action Invoke callback methods.

property actionval: LP_STRUCT_VAL_VALUE_T_

Pointer to the input node represents the start of the specific action being invoked. The auto-generated SIL code can derive all the ancestor keys from this data structure.


Adds data to return


data (dict) -- provide return data dict here



property ancestor_keys: dict

Ancestors keys for silcb

property callback_info: dict

Property to get callback_info

property client_addr: str

This field contains the client address involved in the transaction. or None

property errorval

Property errorval recorded by set_errorval method

property input_params: dict

Returns dict with all parameters for callback object

log(msg: str, log_level: str = 'INFO') None

Adds message to log

property methnode: LP_STRUCT_XML_NODE_T_

This pointer refers to the XML-specific node being parsed if available. This can be used for error reporting if no 'val' or 'obj' parameters are available (from the request message).

property module_name: str
property msg: LP_STRUCT_RPC_MSG_T_

This pointer refers to the incoming RPC message in progress, detailing the specific request being processed.

property nsid: int

namespace ID for silcb

property scb: LP_STRUCT_SES_CB_T_

This field contains a pointer to the session control block that initiated the request, representing the current session's context.

send_terminal_message(message: str) ENUM_STATUS_T_

Sends message to terminal


Use method if you would like to set an errorval when error returned. The errorval will be recorded to the server.

property username: str

user_id value or None

property utils: PYSILUtils

returns utils for the silcb