Error Reference

All YumaPro programs use the same set of error numbers and error messages.

Error numbers are 3 digit unsigned integers in the range 1 to 999. The number 0 is reserved for the NO_ERR constant, which is the same as the <ok/> status returned by the server.

The file ncx/status_enum.h contains the status_t enumeration typedef.

Error Number Types




no error



2 - 99

internal program errors

100 to 199

system errors

200 to 999

user errors

1000 to 1999


2000 to 2999

informational messages

Error Messages

The current list of error numbers and default error messages can be obtained with the yangdump-pro program --show-errors parameter. The enumerations for the The default error message can be replaced for some error conditions with the YANG "error-message" statement.

The following list shows the default error messages for all error numbers currently in use.

yangdump-pro 23.10-8 errors and warnings

  0	ok
  1	EOF reached
  2	NULL pointer
  3	malloc failed
  4	invalid internal value
  5	internal buffering failed
  6	invalid queue deletion
  7	wrong init sequence
  8	queue node not header
  9	queue node not data
 10	invalid queue header
 11	entry already queued
 12	too many entries
 13	libxml2 operation failed
 14	internal read-write lock error
 15	internal mutex error
 16	internal heap check error
 17	internal spin lock failed
 18	unspecified general error
100	cannot open file
101	cannot read file
102	cannot close file
103	cannot write file
104	cannot change directory
105	cannot stat file
106	buffer overflow error
107	cannot delete file
108	cannot access file
109	db connect failed
110	db entry exists
111	db not found
112	db query failed
113	db delete failed
114	wrong checksum
115	wrong tag type
116	db read failed
117	db write failed
118	db init failed
119	beep init failed
120	beep init nc failed
121	xml reader internal
122	open directory failed
123	read directory failed
200	no config file
201	no source file
202	POST read input
203	bad drive
204	bad path
205	bad filename
206	duplicate value pair
207	page not handled
208	page access denied
209	missing form params
210	invalid form state
211	duplicate namespace
212	xml reader start failed
213	xml reader read failed
214	wrong XML node type
215	xml reader null name
216	xml reader null value
217	xml reader wrong name
218	xml reader wrong value
219	xml reader wrong element
220	xml reader extra nodes
221	xml reader EOF
222	wrong length
223	entry exists
224	duplicate entry
225	not found
226	missing file
227	unknown parameter
228	invalid name
229	unknown namespace
230	wrong namespace
231	wrong data type
232	wrong value
233	missing parameter
234	extra parameter
235	empty value
236	module not found
237	max length exceeded
238	invalid token
239	unended quoted string
240	read failed
241	invalid number
242	invalid hex number
243	invalid real number
244	EOF reached
245	wrong token type
246	wrong token value
247	buffer overflow
248	invalid range
249	overlapping range
250	definition not found
251	definition segment not found
252	type not allowed in index
253	index type not found
254	type not mdata
255	meta-data not allowed
256	top not found
257	resource in use
258	invalid value
259	too big
260	missing attribute
261	bad attribute
262	unknown or unexpected attribute
263	missing element
264	bad element
265	unknown or unexpected element
266	unknown namespace
267	access denied
268	lock denied
269	resource denied
270	rollback failed
271	data exists
272	data missing
273	operation not supported
274	operation failed
275	partial operation
276	wrong namespace
277	wrong node depth
278	wrong owner
279	wrong element
280	wrong order
281	extra node
282	wrong node type
283	expecting complex node type
284	expecting string node type
285	wrong data type
286	wrong data value
287	invalid number length
288	value not in range
289	wrong number type
290	invalid enum value
291	value not in set
292	extra list string found
293	unknown object
294	extra parameter instance
295	extra case in choice
296	missing mandatory choice
297	wrong config state
298	unknown application
299	unknown data type
300	access control violation
301	config locked
302	wrong config state
303	max-access exceeded
304	wrong index type
305	wrong instance type
306	missing index component
307	config not found
308	extra attribute instance(s) found
309	required attribute not found
310	required value instance not found
311	extra value instance(s) found
312	target is read only
313	invalid pattern
314	wrong version
315	connect failed
316	unknown host
317	session failed
318	authentication failed
319	end of comment not found
320	invalid string concatenation
321	import not found
322	missing type sub-section
323	restriction not allowed for this type
324	specified refinement not allowed
325	definition loop detected
326	default case contains mandatory object(s)
327	import loop
328	include loop
329	expecting module
330	expecting submodule
331	undefined prefix
332	imported module has errors
333	pattern match failed
334	invalid data type change
335	mandatory object not allowed
336	unique-stmt test failed
337	max-elements exceeded
338	min-elements not reached
339	must-stmt test failed
340	data restriction violation
341	missing instance for insert operation
342	object not config
343	invalid conditional object
344	using obsolete definition
345	invalid augment target
346	duplicate refine sub-clause
347	invalid deviate sub-clause
348	invalid XPath expression syntax
349	invalid instance-identifier syntax
350	require-instance test failed
351	key or select attribute not allowed
352	invalid unique-stmt node
353	invalid duplicate import-stmt
354	invalid duplicate include-stmt
355	ambiguous command
356	unknown module
357	unknown version
358	value not supported
359	leafref path loop
360	variable not found
361	variable is read-only
362	decimal64 base number overflow
363	decimal64 fraction precision overflow
364	when-stmt tested false
365	no matches found
366	missing refine target
367	candidate cannot be locked, discard-changes needed
368	timeout occurred
369	multiple module revisions exist
370	XPath result not a nodeset
371	XPath node-set result is empty
372	node is protected by a partial lock
373	cannot perform the operation with confirmed-commit pending
374	cannot directly load a submodule
375	cannot write to a read-only object
376	cannot write to this configuration directly
377	YANG file missing right brace
378	invalid protocol framing characters received
379	base:1.1 protocol not enabled
380	persistent confirmed commit not active
381	multiple matches found
382	no schema default for this node
383	expected key leaf in list
384	top-level mandatory objects are not allowed
385	unknown resource
386	unended config line block
387	not supported in evaluation version
388	unknown resource instance
389	input data not expected
390	method not allowed
391	query parameter not allowed for method
392	edit pre-condition failed
393	header not allowed
394	running config has validation errors
395	binary file found instead of text file
396	module is imported by other modules
397	restricted module cannot be unloaded
398	request limit reached in evaluation version
399	IO select call failed
400	session dropped
401	media type not in range
402	an appropriate representation could not be found
403	data is not in a format acceptable for processing
404	unknown query parameter
405	missing Accept header
406	password is too short
407	missing input data
408	value disabled by if-feature-stmt
409	when-stmt not allowed on key leaf
410	if-feature-stmt not allowed on key leaf
411	invalid XML response would be returned
412	JSON encoding not yet supported
413	missing data definition statement
414	default value conditional on if-feature
415	invalid escape sequence in double-quoted string
416	invalid status for child node
417	configuration template not found
418	program is shutting down
419	notifications are not enabled
420	maintenance mode active
421	DSCP unavailable
422	encoding unsupported
423	filter unavailable
424	filter unsupported
425	insufficient resources
426	no such subscription
427	replay unsupported
428	stream unavailable
429	cannot exclude changes
430	datastore not subscribable
431	no such subscription resynch
432	on-change unsupported
433	on-change synch unsupported
434	period unsupported
435	update too big
436	sync too big
437	unchanging selection
438	nested edit operation not supported
1000	duplicate source
1001	include file not found
1002	invalid command line value
1003	invalid command line option
1004	command line option unknown
1005	invalid command line syntax
1006	missing command line value
1007	invalid form input
1008	invalid form
1009	no instance found
1010	session closed by remote peer
1011	duplicate import
1012	duplicate import with different prefix value
1013	local typedef not used
1014	local grouping not used
1015	import not used
1016	duplicate unique-stmt argument
1017	statement ignored
1018	duplicate include
1019	include not used
1020	revision date before 1970
1021	revision date in the future
1022	enum value order
1023	bit position order
1024	invalid status for child node
1025	duplicate sibling node name from external augment
1026	duplicate if-feature statement
1027	using deprecated definition
1028	XPath object predicate check limit reached
1029	empty XPath result in must or when expr
1030	no ancestor node available
1031	no parent node available
1032	no child node available
1033	no descendant node available
1034	no nodes available
1035	bad revision-stmt order
1036	duplicate prefix
1037	identifier length exceeded
1038	display line length exceeded
1039	received unknown capability
1040	invalid module capability URI
1041	unknown child node, using anyxml
1042	invalid value used for parm
1043	changing object type to string
1044	using a reserved name
1045	conf file parm already exists
1046	no valid revision statements found
1047	dependency file has errors
1048	top-level object is mandatory
1049	file name does not match [sub]module name
1050	unique-stmt component conditions do not match parent list
1051	reentrant call detected (retry)
1052	XPath compare value invalid for YANG type
1053	XPath comparing different YANG object types
1054	Revision date has already been used
1055	Non-config object referenced in config node XPath
1056	Mandatory nodes not allowed in external augments
1057	Self-referencing XPath expression
1058	Referencing XPath node removed for when-stmt