Appendix: Installed Files

This section describes all the files and/or directories installed by the YumaPro packages.

Release Notes

  • /usr/share/yumapro/ReleaseNotes directory contains all the detailed release notes for the entire release train.

YANG Modules

  • /usr/share/yumapro/modules directory contains all the YANG modules:

    • ietf/

    • mib/

    • netconfcentral/

    • test/

    • yumaworks/

Shared Libraries

This section describes the shared libraries needed for the server to operate.

  • /usr/lib/ directory contains the NCX and AGT libraries.

    /usr/lib64/ is used for Fedora and CentOS 64-bit systems.









  • /usr/lib/yumapro directory contains the following files:

    /usr/lib64/yumapro for Fedora and CentOS 64-bit systems















Binary Programs

This section describes the binary programs installed.

  • /usr/bin directory contains the following programs:

    • db-api-app

    • make_sil_bundle

    • make_sil_dir_pro

    • make_sil_sa_bundle

    • make_sil_sa_dir

    • sil-sa-app

    • support-save-app

    • yangcli-pro

    • yangdiff-pro

    • yangdump-pro

    • yangdump-sdk

    • ypcontrol

    • yp-ha-app

    • yp-shell

    • ypwatcher

    • py-sil-app

  • /usr/sbin directory contains the following server programs:

    • netconfd-pro

    • netconf-subsystem-pro

    • restconf

User Manual Pages

  • /usr/share/man/man1 directory contains the following files:

    • db-api-app.1.gz

    • make_sil_bundle.1.gz

    • make_sil_dir_pro.1.gz

    • make_sil_sa_bundle.1.gz

    • make_sil_sa_dir.1.gz

    • netconfd-pro.1.gz

    • netconf-subsystem-pro.1.gz

    • restconf.1.gz

    • sil-sa-app.1.gz

    • support-save-app.1.gz

    • yangcli-pro.1.gz

    • yangdiff-pro.1.gz

    • yangdump-pro.1.gz

    • yangdump-sdk.1.gz

    • ypcontrol.1.gz

    • yp-ha-app.1.gz

    • yp-shell.1.gz

    • ypwatcher.1.gz

User Documentation

  • /usr/share/doc/yumapro directory contains the following files:

    • index.html

  • /usr/share/doc/yumapro/pdf directory containing the following files:

    • yumapro-installation-guide.pdf

    • yumapro-quickstart-guide.pdf

    • yumapro-user-cmn-manual.pdf

    • yumapro-netconfd-manual.pdf

    • yumapro-yangcli-manual.pdf

    • yumapro-ypclient-manual.pdf

    • yumapro-yangdiff-manual.pdf

    • yumapro-yangdump-manual.pdf

    • yumapro-dev-manual.pdf

    • yumapro-api-quickstart-guide.pdf

    • yumapro-ypsystem-api-guide.pdf

    • yumapro-ypshow-api-guide.pdf

    • yumapro-yocto-quickstart-guide.pdf

    • yumapro-ypsnmp-manual.pdf

  • /usr/share/doc/yumapro/html directory containing the HTML files for all the manuals

Sample Configuration Files

  • /etc/yumapro directory contains the following sample configuration files:

    • yangcli-pro-sample.conf

    • yangdiff-pro-sample.conf

    • yangdump-pro-sample.conf

    • netconfd-pro-sample.conf

    • snmpd.conf

Developer Files

  • /usr/include/yumapro directory contains H files needed to compile SIL code so it can be loaded into the server at runtime.

    • ncx/*.h

    • agt/*.h

    • db-api/*.h

    • mgr/*.h

    • platform/procdefs.h

    • sil-sa/*.h

    • ycli/*.h

    • ycontrol/*.h

  • /usr/share/yumapro/src/libtoaster directory is an example of a SIL implementation, with the following contents:

    • Makefile

    • src directory

      • Makefile

      • toaster.c

      • toaster.c.start

      • toaster.h

      • toaster.h.start

    • bin directory

    • lib directory

  • /usr/share/yumapro/src/libsystem directory is an example of a user external system API (yp-system) library with the following contents:

    • Makefile

    • src directory

      • Makefile

      • example-system.c

      • example-system.h

    • bin directory

    • lib directory

  • /usr/share/yumapro/src/sil-error directory in an example of a SIL library that can be used to force errors during editing transactions to help test corner-case error handling. It has the following contents:

    • Makefile

    • src directory

      • Makefile

      • sil-error.c

      • sil-error.h

    • bin directory

    • lib directory

  • /usr/share/yumapro/src/get2-test directory in an example of a SIL-SA library that shows examples of “get2” callback functions for the module get2-test.yang. It has the following contents:

    • Makefile

    • src directory

      • Makefile

      • get2-test.c

      • get2-test.h

    • bin directory

    • lib directory

  • /usr/share/yumapro/src/libif-mib directory is an example of the IF-MIB converted to YANG library that includes SIL code with the following contents:

    • Makefile

    • src directory

      • Makefile

      • IF-MIB.c

      • IF-MIB.h

    • bin directory

    • lib directory

  • /usr/share/yumapro/src/sil-sa-app directory is an example of Server Instrumentation Library for Sub-Agent (SIL-SA) application. A SIL-SA application runs as a separate sub-agent process within the same system as the netconfd-pro server. It is used for asynchronous server callbacks.

    • Makefile

    • main.c

  • /usr/share/yumapro/util directory contains the following files and directories.

    • errmsg-lang/



    • host-meta

    • makefile.sil

    • makefile.sil-sa

    • makefile-top.sil

    • restconf.conf

    • restconf-nginx.conf

  • /usr/share/yumapro/src/yp-client


This directory will only be present if you are using a PTHREADS version of YumaPro SDK, either a binary containing the name yumapro-pthreads- or built from source with PTHREADS=1 as a parameter supplied to make.

If present the directory will contain the following yp-client C++ client library examples, each in their own directory:

  • c-toaster directory

    • c-toaster.c

    • Makefile

    • README

  • capabilities directory

    • capabilities.cpp

    • Makefile

    • README

  • libtest directory

    • libtest.cpp

    • Makefile

    • README

  • sget-system directory

    • sget-system.cpp

    • Makefile

    • README

  • toaster directory

    • toaster.cpp

    • Makefile

    • README


License and Packaging Information

  • /usr/share/doc/yumapro directory containing the following files:


    • README

    • yumapro-legal-notices.pdf

    • <package-license-file>.pdf

  • /usr/share/doc/<package-name> directory containing the following files.

    • copyright

    • changelog.Debian


This directory is only created by Ubuntu: