NETCONF Group Configuration

The yangcli-pro program can be configured to manage the session groups. It associates a group name with a set of sessions to start NETCONF sessions with servers.

A group name is not allowed to have the same name as any session name. This allows the 'session set-current' command to select a group or an individual session.

The named groups and their sessions are saved in a configuration file. Use the --autosessions parameter to suppress automatic loading of this file. The default is to load this file at start-up and save it upon exit.

By default, the group configuration is saved in $HOME/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_sessions.conf. To override this file, set --autosessions=false and use the sessions-cfg command to load a specific sessions configuration file.

Create group

The group command is used to create a group. The 'session' parameter must also be present.

Example of 'group create':

> group create=AB session=session-A session=session-B

> group create=a1a2a3 session=a1 session=a2 session=a3

List group

The group 'list' command is used to list the names of all the groups.

> group list
Group 'AB'
   This group is not connected.
   missing-ok: false
   missing-connect-ok: false
   lost-ok: false
   reconnect-interval: 30
   reconnect-tries: 5
   connected_cnt: 0
   number_of_sessions: 2
   Session 'session-A' connected:false
   Session 'session-B' connected:false
Group 'a1a2a3'
   This group is not connected.
   missing-ok: false
   missing-connect-ok: false
   lost-ok: false
           reconnect-interval: 30
   reconnect-tries: 5
   connected_cnt: 0
   number_of_sessions: 3
   Session 'a1' connected:false
   Session 'a2' connected:false
   Session 'a3' connected:false

Delete group

The group 'delete' command is used to delete a group.

> group delete=AB

> group delete=a1a2a3

> group list

No groups found


Add group

The group 'add' command is used to add sessions to a named group. The 'session' parameter must also be present.

> group add=AB session=session-B

> group list
Group 'AB'
   This group is not connected.
   missing-ok: false
   missing-connect-ok: false
   lost-ok: false
   reconnect-interval: 30
   reconnect-tries: 5
   connected_cnt: 0
   number_of_sessions: 2
   Session 'session-A' connected:false
   Session 'session-B' connected:false

Remove Group

The group 'remove' command is used to remove the sessions from a name group. The 'session' parameter must also be present.

> group remove=AB session=session-A

> group list
Group 'AB'
   This group is not connected.
   missing-ok: false
   missing-connect-ok: false
   lost-ok: false
   reconnect-interval: 30
   reconnect-tries: 5
   connected_cnt: 0
   number_of_sessions: 1
   Session 'session-B' connected:false

Show Group

The group 'show' command is used to show the name of the group to show.

Example of 'group show':

> group show=AB
Group 'AB'
   This group is not connected.
   missing-ok: false
   missing-connect-ok: false
   lost-ok: false
   reconnect-interval: 30
   reconnect-tries: 5
   connected_cnt: 0
   number_of_sessions: 1
   Session 'session-B' connected:false

Connect Group

The group 'connect' command is used to start a named group with session group parameters: lost-ok, missing-connect-ok, missing-ok, reconnect-interval, and reconnect-tries.

The default parameters value are false.

> group connect=AB
yangcli-pro: Starting NETCONF session for andy on localhost over ssh on port 830
NETCONF session established for xxxxx on localhost

    ... startup screen ...

Client Session Id: 1
Server Session Id: 1

NETCONF session established for xxxxx on localhost

    ... startup screen ...

Client Session Id: 2
Server Session Id: 2
AB> group list
Group 'AB'
   This group is fully connected.
   missing-ok: false
   missing-connect-ok: false
   lost-ok: false
   reconnect-interval: 30
   reconnect-tries: 5
   connected_cnt: 2
   number_of_sessions: 2
   Session 'session-A' connected:true
   Session 'session-B' connected:true

Help Group

Use command of help 'group' to print all the group help text.

> help group
  Manage the yangcli-pro session groups.
  A group name is not allowed to have the same name as any
    default parameter: session
    choice groupcmd <Mandatory>
      case connect
        leaf connect [NcxIdentifier]
          Connect to all sessions in the specified group.

        leaf missing-ok [boolean] [d:false]
          If truew, then it is OK to manage this group if 1 or
          more sessions identified in...

        leaf missing-connect-ok [boolean] [d:false]
          If true, then it is OK to manage this group if 1 or
          more sessions identified in ...

        leaf lost-ok [boolean] [d:false]
          If true, then it is OK to manage this group if 1 or
          more sessions are lost after...

        leaf reconnect-tries [uint32] [d:5]
          Indicates the number of times yangcli will attempt
          to reconnect to a session if ...

        leaf reconnect-interval [uint32] [d:10]
          Indicates the number of seconds yangcli will wait to
          re-establish a connection i...
      leaf create [NcxIdentifier]
        Name of the group to create.  The 'session' parameter
        must also be present

      leaf delete [NcxIdentifier]
        Name of the group to delete

      leaf add [NcxIdentifier]
        Name of the group to add some sessions.  The 'session'
        parameter must also be presen...

      leaf remove [NcxIdentifier]
        Name of the group to remove some sessions.  The
        'session' parameter must also be pres...

      leaf show [NcxIdentifier]
        Name of the group to show

      leaf list [empty]
        List the names of all the groups saved-sessions {
    leaf-list session [NcxIdentifier] <Mandatory>
      Name of a session that is being added to the group.

Saving Groups

To save a group, the text configuration file can be edited or the sessions-cfg 'save' command can be used. The session configuration can be saved or loaded at run-time, even if the --autosessions=true parameter is used (the default). The sessions-cfg command is used to load and save this file.

AB> sessions-cfg save
  session  'session-A' {
    user 'andy'
    password 'xxxxx'
    public-key '$HOME/.ssh/'
    private-key '$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa'
    server 'localhost'
    ncport 830
    protocols "netconf1.0 netconf1.1"
  session  'session-B' {
    user 'andy'
    password 'xxxxx'
    public-key '$HOME/.ssh/'
    private-key '$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa'
    server 'localhost'
    ncport 830
    protocols "netconf1.0 netconf1.1"
  group  'AB' {
    missing-connect-ok false
    missing-ok false
    lost-ok false
    reconnect-interval 30
    reconnect-tries 5
    session 'session-A'
    session 'session-B'

Changing the Active Group

To change the active group and issue commands to a different server, use the session 'set-current' command. This command will cause all subsequent remote commands to be sent to the servers associated with the named group.

a1a2a3> session set-current AB

Group 'AB' is now active