NETCONF Session Configuration

The yangcli-pro program can be configured to associate a name with a set of session parameters to start a NETCONF session with a server. These named sessions are saved in a configuration file. Use the --autosessions to suppress automatic loading of this file. The default is to load this file at start-up and save it upon exit.

By default, the sessions configuration is saved in $HOME/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_sessions.conf. To override this file, set --autosessions=false and use the sessions-cfg command to load a specific sessions configuration file.

The start-session command is used to start a named session:

> start-session session-A

  ... startup screen ...


Saving Sessions

To save a session, the text configuration file can be edited or the session-cfg 'save' command can be used.

> connect user=andy server=myserver password=mypassword

   ... startup screen ...

andy@myserver> session-cfg save session-A

Saved current session as 'session-A'


Session use-event-handler

The configured event-handler does not actually cause any event scripts to be invoked because there has to be a session-cfg mapping. The session-cfg has parameter ‘use-event-handler’ to do the mapping.

leaf-list use-event-handler {
  type nt:NcxIdentifier;
    "Name of an event-handler to use within this session.
     When notification delivery for this session is started
     the event handler will be installed. A warning will be
     printed if no event-handler with this name is found.";

The event-handler has to be mapped to the session-cfg:

session-A> session-cfg use-event-handler=handler-ses-change
session-A> session-cfg use-event-handler=handler-ses-end
session-A> session-cfg use-event-handler=handler-ses-start

session-A> sessions-cfg full
Saved sessions source: '~/.yumapro/.yangcli_pro_sessions.conf'
Session 'session-A':
  user: username
  password: password:
  connected: true
  port: 830
  protocols: netconf1.1
  public-key: $HOME/.ssh/
  private-key: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
  ssl-fallback-ok: true
  transport: netconf-ssh
  Event Handler 'handler-ses-change'
  Event Handler 'handler-ses-start'
  Event Handler 'handler-ses-end'

Multiple Sessions

Multiple sessions can be active at once, however only one command at a time can be sent. This will be improved in a future release. Just use the start-session command to start a different session. Only one instance of each named session can be active at the same time.

> start-session session-A

   ... startup screen ...

session-A> start-session session-B

   ... startup screen ...


Note that when a session is started, the active session is set to that session.

Changing the Active Session

To change the active session and issue commands to a different server, use the session 'set-current' command. This command will cause all subsequent remote commands to be sent to the server associated with the named session.

session-A> session set-current session-B


Since the “set-current” parameter is the default parameter, this command can be simplified:

session-A> session session-B


To switch to the default session, use the session name “default”. If the default session is connected, then the user and host name will be shown. If not, a simple '>' prompt will be shown instead.

session-A> session default


Saving the Configured Sessions

The session configuration can be saved or loaded at run-time, even if the --autosessions=true parameter is used (the default). The sessions-cfg command is used to load and save this file.

session-A> sessions-cfg save

Saved 2 sessions OK to '~/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_sessions.conf'


To save the sessions to a different file, simply provide the filespec in the sessions-cfg 'save' command:

session-A> sessions-cfg save mysessions.conf

Saved 2 sessions OK to 'mysessions.conf'


Loading Additional Configured Sessions

Additional sessions can be added to the configuration in memory with the sessions-cfg 'load' command. The named sessions in the file cannot conflict with names already in use or the duplicate session will be skipped.

session-A> sessions-cfg load sessions.conf

Loaded 3 sessions OK from 'sessions.conf'


Displaying the Configured Sessions

The sessions that are available can be displayed with the sessions-cfg 'show' command. The --brief and --full extensions are available for this command.

session-A> sessions-cfg show

Saved sessions source: 'mysessions.conf'
Session 'session-A':
   user: andy
   server: localhost
   connected: true

Session 'session-B':
   user: andy
   connected: false

Displaying Sessions

Displaying the Active Session

To see information about the active session, use the session-cfg command:

session-A> session-cfg

Session 'session-A':
   user: andy
   server: localhost
   connected: true

Session 'session-B':
   user: andy
   connected: false

Displaying a Specific Session

To see information about a specific session, use the session-cfg 'show' command:

session-A> session-cfg show session-B

Session 'session-B':
   user: andy
   connected: false


Terminating a Named Session

The stop-session command is used to terminate a specific session. The <close-session> operation will be sent on the specified session and the connection gracefully terminated.

session-A> stop-session session-B


The active session can also be terminated although no new session will be selected automatically:

session-A> stop-session session-A


Saved Session Configuration File Format

The saved sessions are stored in a YumaPro configuration file.

The file contents must conform to the following YANG container definition:

container saved-sessions {
    "Represents all the saved sessions in
     the ~/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_sessions file.
     Use the 'sessions' command to access this file.
     Edit by hand only if you follow this YANG definition.";

  list session {
      "The list of sessions to use during this test-suite.";

    key name;

    leaf name {
      type nt:NcxName;
       "The name of the saved session.
        The 'session save' command will use the
        string <user>@<server-address> as the default.";

    leaf-list use-event-handler {
       type nt:NcxIdentifier;
         "Name of an event-handler to use within this session.
          When notification delivery for this session is started
          the event handler will be installed. A warning will be
          printed if no event-handler with this name is found.";

    leaf device {
      type nt:NcxDeviceName;
      mandatory true;
         "Device name of the NETCONF server target.";

    leaf userid {
      type nt:NcxName;
      mandatory true;
         "User Id of the NETCONF user.";

    leaf user {
      type nt:NcxName;
      mandatory true;
       "The user name of the session.";

    choice pass {
      mandatory true;

      leaf password {
        type string;
          "User password to use for NETCONF sessions.
           If none, then user will be prompted before connecting.";
      leaf no-password { type empty; }

    uses ywapp:SshKeyParms;

    uses ywapp:SslKeyParms;

    leaf server {
      type inet:host;
      mandatory true;
         "IP address or DNS name of the NETCONF server target.";


    leaf ncport {
      type uint16 {
        range "1..max";
      default 830;
        "NETCONF port number to use.  If not present, then
         port 830, followed by port 22, will be tried.";

    uses EntryPointParm;

    uses ncxapp:ProtocolsParm;

    leaf transport {
        "Identifies the transport protocol that should be used.";
      type ywt:transport-type;
      default ssh;

    container start-commands {
        "An optional block of yangcli commands to run
         after the session is successfully started.";

    uses VarsContainer;

    uses CommentParm;

Session Configuration File Example

The following example file shows a valid session configuration file:

saved-sessions {
  session session-A {
    user andy
    password mypassword
    public-key $HOME/.ssh/
    private-key $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
    server localhost
    ncport 830
    protocols "netconf1.0 netconf1.1"
  session session-B {
    user andy
    password mypassword
    public-key $HOME/.ssh/
    private-key $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
    server localhost
    ncport 830
    protocols "netconf1.0 netconf1.1"
  session A {
    user andy2
    password newpassword
    public-key $HOME/.ssh/
    private-key $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
    server localhost
    ncport 830
    protocols "netconf1.0 netconf1.1"