
  • YANG-Based Unified Modular Automation Tools

  • NETCONF Over SSH Client

  • NETCONF Over TLS Client

  • RESTCONF Over HTTP(S) Client

  • NETCONF Over SSH Call Home Server

  • NETCONF Over TLS Call Home Server

Program Components


yangcli-pro Introduction

The yangcli-pro program is a NETCONF over SSH client application. It is driven directly by YANG modules, and provides a simple but powerful application interface that can utilize any YANG file to drive the user interface. Full server management features and server testing features are supported. There is no configuration required at all to use any YANG file, since the yangdump-pro YANG compiler is built into the application.

yangcli-pro Features

The yangcli-pro client has the following features:

  • Support for multiple sessions to multiple servers at once

  • Support for configured named sessions saved in a secure configuration file

  • Easy to use configuration mode for editing; provides an IOS CLI-like user interface to edit server configurations

    • Command line history, recall

    • Output filtering with 'pipe' commands

    • Terminal pagination with –More-- prompt controls

  • Supports NETCONF 1.0, NETCONF 1.1, and RESTCONF protocols

  • Automated session reconnect for NETCONF and RESTCONF sessions

  • Automated shadow configuration monitoring for each session; can be referenced in scripts and tab completion

  • Automated notification monitoring for each session; callback framework for event handling

  • Automated regression testing support to verify server operation, including

    • setup and cleanup sections per test-suite

    • multiple tests per suite

    • each test step can check for ok, rpc-error, data responses

  • Automatic recording of test suites

    • The record-test command used to automatically record commands in a re-usable test script.

    • The test-suite command is used to run previously recorded tests and verify the same results are obtained as when the test was recorded.

  • Automatic monitoring of server notifications

    • The <create-subscription> operation is automatically sent if --autonotif=true and the server supports notifications.

    • Configuration change events are monitored to know when configuration updates are needed for that session

  • Automatic shadowing of the running configuration

    • The <get-config> operation is automatically sent if --autoconfig=true. A shadow of the running configuration is maintained for the session, and updated automatically if notifications are active.

    • The config command uses the shadow configuration for tab completion and comparison purposes.

  • Automatic support for all NETCONF protocol operations, including several 'short-hand' commands for the most common operations:

  • Automated database locking, unlocking and error cleanup, using the high-level get-locks and release-locks commands.

  • Automatic, standards-based, server schema synchronization, using the YANG module capability URI information in the <hello> PDU, and the <get-schema> operation:

    • For each session, the exact view of the server schema definition tree is created, based on the module capability:

      • module namespace

      • module name

      • module revision date

      • enabled features

      • names of any modules that contain deviations for this module

    • The help text and parameter validation for each session will be tailored to the capabilities advertised by the server.

    • Parses each potential matching YANG file to make sure the module name, revision date, and namespace URI value are all exactly the same as the values in the module capability URI.

  • Understands all NETCONF protocol capabilities, and complex hard-wired logic simplifies protocol usage, and allows high-level commands to pick appropriate defaults for many RPC operation parameters.

  • Load any YANG module at boot-time or run-time and start using it immediately.

  • Full concurrent support for multiple revisions of the same module.

  • Supports NETCONF notifications, including :interleave capability.

  • Full XPath 1.0 and subtree filtering support.

  • Automatic support for all YANG language mechanisms, including extensions.

  • Any YANG <rpc> operation is automatically available as a yangcli-pro command.

  • Uses YANG files directly as input, so no pre-processing or configuration needed to use a new module.

  • Can be called from unix scripts in 'batch-mode' to automatically establish a NETCONF session, issue a command or invoke a yangcli-pro script, close the session, and return the results.

  • Extensive interactive shell environment, including user variables, file variables, smart parameter set completion, and a simple scripting environment for automatic operation.

  • Automatic, context-sensitive (tab key) command-line completion.

  • Full support for XPath, instance-identifier, leafref, and identityref parameters.

  • Automatic, context-sensitive help system, based completely on YANG files and using the exact modules supported by the current NETCONF session, if connected.

  • Full, customizable command line editing, using 'emacs' by default, but 'vi' or a custom set of keystroke bindings are also supported.

  • Command line history and command recall.

  • Store and recall command line history files for later use.

  • Automatic NETCONF session management, including support for all YANG extensions to the <capability> element.

  • Automatic recognition and support for all NETCONF 'capability' related operations.

  • Automatic support for all YANG additions to the NETCONF protocol, such as the insert operation

  • Unlimited nested scripts with up to 10 parameters each can automate testing and other management tasks

  • User configurable command aliases that can be saved and restored.

  • Differentiate between local and server commands when the <tab> and ?<cr> used. A star '*' will be printed after each server command.

  • Configurable NETCONF Call-Home over SSH support (RFC 8071)

  • Support the privileged mode in yp-shell for config mode.

  • Support of restricting all editing to the yp-shell config mode.

  • Configurable break-key behavior to cancel current command ot exit program

  • Ability to invoke yangcli or shell scripts to automate command processing

  • Supports the Event Condition Action (ECA) to allow the user to run shell scripts based on a notification.

Starting yangcli-pro


yangcli-pro and yp-shell do not support running multiple instances of the program at once on the same host

The current working directory in use when yangcli-pro is invoked is important. It is most convenient to run yangcli-pro from a work directory, rather than the installation directory or within the module library.

The yangcli-pro program can be invoked several ways:

  • To get the current version and exit:

    yangcli-pro --version
  • To get program help and exit:

    yangcli-pro --help
    yangcli-pro --help --brief
    yangcli-pro --help --full
  • To start an interactive session with the default parameters:

  • To start an interactive session with a new log file:

    yangcli-pro --log=mylogfile
  • To start an interactive session and append to an existing log file:

    yangcli-pro --log=mylogfile --log-append
  • To get parameters from a configuration file:

    yangcli-pro --config=~/yangcli-pro.conf
  • To begin to connect to a server upon startup, provide the --server parameter. The connect command will be started upon startup and the user will be prompted to enter the rest of the mandatory parameters to the connect command.

    yangcli-pro server=myserver.example.com
  • To connect to a server and automatically connect without any interactive interruption, enter the --server, --user, and --password parameters. A session startup will be attempted right away, using these parameters. Any optional parameters for the connect command (e.g., --port or --timeout) may be entered as well. All parameters can be entered from a config file, and/or the command line.

    yangcli-pro --server=myserver.example.com --user=andy --password=yangrocks
  • To automatically connect to a server, run a script in non-interactive mode, and then remain connected to the server, add the --run-script parameter to the connection parameters. The --runpath parameter can also be entered, if needed.

    yangcli-pro --run-script=mytestscript --server=myserver.example.com --user=andy --password=yangrocks
  • To automatically connect to a server, run a script in non-interactive mode, and then exit the program, add the --batch-mode and --run-script parameters to the connection parameters. The --runpath parameter can also be entered, if needed.

    yangcli-pro --run-script=mytestscript --batch-mode --server=myserver.example.com --user=andy --password=yangrocks
  • To automatically connect to a server, and run a single command instead of a script, and then exit, use the --run-command parameter instead of the --run-script parameter. The --batch-mode parameter can be left out to remain in the current session (in interactive mode) after the command is invoked.

    yangcli-pro --run-command=”sget /system”  --batch-mode --server=myserver.example.com --user=andy --password=yangrocks
  • To automatically connect to a server, and just listen for notifications, and never exit, use the --autonotif=true** parameter instead of the --run-command or --run-script parameter. The --batch-mode parameter must be provided in this mode.

    yangcli-pro --batch-mode --autonotif=true --server=myserver.example.com --user=andy --password=yangrocks

Stopping yangcli-pro

To terminate the yangcli-pro program, use the quit command.

The control-C character sequence will also cause the program to be terminated.


The yangcli-pro script interpreter accepts several types of statements:

yangcli-pro Statements





invoke a local command and/or send an <rpc> to the server

sget /system

variable assignment

set a user variable to some value

$system = sget /system

file assignment

set the contents of a file to some value

@save.txt = $system

variable deletion

delete a user variable or clear a system variable

$system =

A command can be as simple like 'get' or complex, like 'edit-config'.

A variable assignment sets the specified user or system variable to the right hand side of the expression. An expression has many forms, including the result from a local command or a remote NETCONF operation.

If a string that matches a command is used as the assignment value, then it must be entered in quotes (single or double). For example, the $$default-operation system configuration variable accepts enumeration values which also match RPC commands:

> $$default-operation = 'merge'

A file assignment is essentially the same as a variable assignment, except the right hand side of the expression is saved in the specified file, instead of a user variable.

To delete a user variable, leave the right hand side of the expression empty (or just whitespace).


The yangcli-pro program has several built-in commands, defined in yangcli-pro.yang, yuma-netconf.yang, and notifications.yang.

The YANG 'rpc' statement is used to define the syntax and behavior of each command.

There are 3 types of yangcli-pro commands:

  • local: the command is executed within the yangcli-pro application, and can be invoked at any time.

  • remote: the command is executed on the remote server, and is only available when a NETCONF session is active. Any YANG rpc statement that yangcli-pro does not recognize as a local command is treated as a remote command available on the server.

  • config mode: the command is executed within the yangcli-pro application, in config mode. This is only available while a session is established.

It is also possible to invoke system commands using the run-shell command.

Local Commands




Show or set a specific yangcli-pro command alias


Manage the yangcli-pro command aliases


Run automatic edit testing on the specified session


Clear 1 or all entries from the YANG module cache


Change the current working directory


Start or stop the Call Home server


Add or remove a Call Home user


Clear the screen


Enter the configuration mode for the current session


Connect to a server and start a NETCONF session


Access a named device configuration


Access the named device configuration file


Start an 'else-if' conditional block


Start an 'else' conditional block


Enable the privileged mode in yp-shell to enter the config mode.


End an 'if' or 'while' block


Evaluate an XPath expression


Access an event handler mapping configuration.


Controls access to the saved event-handlers file.


View or clear the notification event log


Exit configuration mode for the current session


Fill a user variable


Manage the session groups.


Get context-sensitive help


Manage the command history buffer


Start an 'if' conditional block


List modules, objects, or other properties of the session


Log a debug message


Log an error message


Log an info message


Log a warning message


Load a YANG file into the client only


Save the running datastore to the startup datastore


Print the current working directory


Exit the program


Recall a line from the command history buffer


Record commands and responses for a regression test


Refresh the module version list used to determine the 'best-match' for imports.


Run a script


Run a shell script. The allow-shell parameter must be ‘true’


Access a named schema-server-cfg configuration


Access the named schema-servers-cfg configuration file


Set the current session


Access a named session configuration


Access the named session configuration file


Show variables and objects currently available


Sleep for a number of seconds (for use in scripts)


Start <rpc> timing mode and save statistics to a file


Stop a named session


Stop a script timer and display the elapsed time


Set the terminal length


Access a configured unit-test suite for automated testing


Access a named user configuration


Access the named user configuration file


Update the shadow configuration for the current session<


Remove a command alias from memory


Manage the yangcli-pro user variables


Start a 'while' conditional loop block

Standard NETCONF Commands

The following table shows the standard NETCONF protocol operations that are directly available for use, depending on the capabilities of the server.




Cancel the current confirmed commit procedure


Stop receiving NETCONF notifications (RFC 5277 subscription)


Close the current NETCONF session


Make the candidate database be the running config


Copy an entire NETCONF database


Start receiving NETCONF notifications (RFC 5277 subscription)


Delete an entire NETCONF database


Terminate a NETCONF notification subscription for the current session


Discard any edits in the candidate database


Alteration of the target database


Start receiving NETCONF notifications (RFC 8639 subscription)


Filtered retrieval of state data and running config


Filtered retrieval of any NETCONF database


Filtered retrieval of a NETCONF NMDA database


Get a data model definition file from the server


Force close another NETCONF session


Force close a notification subscription for another NETCONF session


Lock a NETCONF database that is currently unlocked


Modify the NETCONF notification subscription parameters


Re-synchronize a YANG Push datastore subscription


Unlock a NETCONF database that is currently locked


Validate the contents of a NETCONF database

Custom NETCONF Commands

The following yangcli-pro commands are available for simplified access to standard NETCONF operations




Invoke a YANG 1.1 <action>


Invoke an <edit-config> create operation


Invoke an <edit-config> delete operation


Invoke an <edit-config> delete operation using the netconfd-pro "delete-all" nc:operation value.


Lock all the databases with the <lock> operation


Walk the entries of a YANG list.


Invoke an <edit-config> YANG insert operation


Invoke an <edit-config> merge operation


Invoke an <rpc> operation using raw XML


Unlock all the locked databases with the <unlock> operation


Invoke an <edit-config> remove operation


Invoke an <edit-config> remove operation using the netconfd-pro "remove-all" nc:operation value.


Invoke an <edit-config> replace operation


Save the current edits on the server in NV-storage


Invoke a <get> operation with a subtree filter


Invoke a <get-config> operation with a subtree filter


Invoke a <get-data> operation with a subtree filter


Invoke a <get> operation with an XPath filter


Invoke a <get-config> operation with an XPath filter


Invoke a <get-data> operation with an XPath filter

Extended netconfd-pro Commands

The following table shows the extended NETCONF protocol operations that are available on the netconfd-pro server only.




Retrieve session customization parameters


Load a module into the server.


No operation.


Restart the server.


Set the server logging verbosity level.


Set session customization parameters.


Shutdown the server.

System Commands

If the --allow-shell parameter is set to 'true'. then the run-shell command will be enabled. The default is 'false'.

For 'yp-shell', the --ypshell-exec-ok parameter must also be set to 'true'. The default is 'false'.

This command allows access to a shell command to use, which can be configured with the --shell-command parameter. The default shell is /bin/bash.

The 'runpath' is searched for a matching script name, according to the $YUMAPRO_RUNPATH environment variable, or the --runpath CLI parameter, or the default File Search Paths.

Example: Ping command

Install the following script in the runpath, e.g. ~/scripts.ping.sh.

ping -c5 $1

Start yangcli-pro

> yangcli-pro --allow-shell=true

Invoke the shell with the script:

 > run-shell ping.sh P1=
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.095 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.053 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.054 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.062 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.060 ms

 --- ping statistics ---
 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4090ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.053/0.064/0.095/0.015 ms


It is possible to install an alias to simplify the operation.

> alias ping='run-shell script=ping.sh P1 `

Now the command 'ping' can be used directly:

 > ping
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.068 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.057 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.052 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.014 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.056 ms

 --- ping statistics ---
 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4079ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.014/0.049/0.068/0.018 ms



The yangcli-pro program utilizes several types of user-accessible variables. These variables can be listed with the 'show vars' command and other commands as well.

A variable reference consists of 1 or 2 dollar signs ('$'), followed immediately by a valid identifier string (e.g., $$global-log or $local-log).

Variables can be 1 or more characters in length, and follow the YANG rules for identifier names.

  • The first character must be a letter, 'A' to 'Z', or 'a' to 'z'.

  • The 2nd to last characters can be a letter 'A' to 'Z', or 'a' to 'z', number ('0' to '9'), an underscore ('_'), a dash ('-'), or a period ('.') character.

There are 4 categories of parameters supported:

  1. Read-only system variables

  2. Read-write system variables

  3. Read-write global user variables (saved in $HOME/.yuma directory)

  4. Read-write local user variables

It is an error if a variable is referenced (in the right-hand-side of a statement) that does not exist.

The first 3 types are global variables, which means that they are available to all run-levels of all scripts. The last type, called a local variable, is only visible to the current run-level of the current script (or interactive shell). Refer to the following section for more details on run levels.

Variable Syntax





Left hand side: set the global variable to some value

$$saved_get = get


Right hand side: access the value of a global variable

fill --target=$$mytarget


Left hand side: set the local variable to some value

$myloglevel = $$log-level


Right hand side: access the value of any variable with this name

$myuser = $user

Read-only System Variables

The following table shows the unix environment variables that are available as read-only global variables in yangcli-pro. These variables are set once when the program is started, and cannot be used in the left hand side of an assignment statement.




$HOME environment variable


$HOST or $HOSTNAME environment variable


$LANG environment variable


$PWD environment variable, when yangcli-pro was invoked


$SHELL environment variable


$USER environment variable


$YUMAPRO_DATAPATH environment variable


$YUMAPRO_HOME environment variable


$YUMAPRO_MODPATH environment variable


$YUMAPRO_RUNPATH environment variable

Read-write System Variables

The following table shows the CLI configuration parameters that can be read or changed (but not deleted). If a particular parameter was not set during program invocation, then the associated variable will contain the empty string.




--aliases-file configuration parameter


--allow-shell configuration parameter


--alt-names configuration parameter


--ask-password configuration parameter


--auto-discard-changes parameter


--auto-keepalive configuration parameter


--auto-reconnect configuration parameter


--auto-reconnect-interval configuration parameter


--auto-reconnect-max configuration parameter


--autoaliases configuration parameter


--autocomp configuration parameter


--autoconfig configuration parameter


--autoconfig-conf-mode configuration parameter


--autodevices configuration parameter


--autoeventhandlers configuration parameter


--autohistory configuration parameter


--autoload configuration parameter


--autoload-cache configuration parameter


--autoload-get configuration parameter


--autoload-save-cache configuration parameter


--autonotif configuration parameter


--autonvsave configuration parameter


--autoschemaservers configuration parameter


--autosessions configuration parameter


--autotest configuration parameter


--autousers configuration parameter


--autouservars configuration parameter


--bad-data configuration parameter


--break-key-mode configuration parameter


--callhome-address configuration parameter


--callhome-enabled configuration parameter


--callhome-port configuration parameter


--callhome-tls-port configuration parameter


--check-output configuration parameter


--check-output-error configuration parameter


--check-replies configuration parameter


--check-replies-error configuration parameter


--config-autosave configuration parameter


--config-commit-mode configuration parameter


--config-edit-mode configuration parameter


--default-module configuration parameter


<default-operation> parameter for <edit-config> operations


--display-mode configuration parameter


--echo-notif-loglevel configuration parameter


--echo-notifs configuration parameter


--echo-replies configuration parameter


--encoding configuration parameter


<error-option> parameter for <edit-config> operations


--fill-optional configuration parameter


--fixorder configuration parameter


--help-width configuration parameter


--ignore-missing-vars configuration parameter


--indent configuration parameter


--keepalive-interval configuration parameter


--leaflist-multi-line configuration parameter


--log-level configuration parameter


--match-names configuration parameter


--match-names-exec-mode configuration parameter


--message-indent configuration parameter


--optional configuration parameter


--prompt configuration parameter (yp-shell only)


--prompt-type configuration parameter


--save-session-vars configuration parameter


--script-input configuration parameter


--server configuration parameter


--shell-command configuration parameter


--ssl-fallback-ok configuration parameter


--term-length configuration parameter


<test-option> parameter for the <edit-config> operation


--test-suite-file configuration parameter


--time-rpcs configuration parameter


--time-rpcs-stats configuration parameter


--time-rpcs-stats-file configuration parameter


--timeout configuration parameter


--use-data-templates configuration parameter


--use-rawxml configuration parameter


--use-session-vars configuration parameter


--use-traceid configuration parameter


--use-xmlheader configuration parameter


--user configuration parameter


--uservars-file configuration parameter


<with-defaults> retrieval parameter


--with-term-msg configuration parameter

Read-write Global User Variables

If a unrecognized global variable (e.g., $$foo) is used in the left-hand side of an assignment statement, then a global user variable will be created with that name. If the global user variable already exists, then its value will be overwritten.

The uservars command can be used to load or store these variables so they are loaded at boot-time. By default, the XML file used to store these variables is $HOME/.yumapro/yangcli-pro_uservars.xml.

Read-write Local User Variables

If a local variable (e.g., $foo) is used in the left-hand side of an assignment statement, then a local user variable will be created with that name. If the local user variable already exists, then its value will be overwritten. If the variable is created within a script (i.e., run-level greater than zero), then it will be deleted when the script exits.

Read-write Session User Variables

If the $$use-sessionvars variable is true, then global variables will be treated as session-specific variables, while the active session is a named session. In this case, if a unrecognized global variable (e.g., $$foo) is used in the left-hand side of an assignment statement, then a session user variable will be created with that name. If the session user variable already exists, then its value will be overwritten.

If data templates are used, then the session-specific variables will be used to replace a variable reference within the template, instead of the global variable.


File contents can be used in yangcli-pro statements, similar to user variables.

A file reference consist of the 'at-sign' character ('@') followed immediately by a valid file specification.

session1> @foo.yang = get-schema --identifier=foo --format=YANG

session1> mgrload --module=foo
  • If the file extension is “.yang”, “.log”, “.txt”, or “.text”, then the value (or command output) will be saved, and yangcli-pro will strip off the outermost XML (if needed) to save the requested file as a pure text file.

  • If the file extension is ".json", the file will be saved in JSON format.

  • Otherwise, the file will be saved in XML format. The display mode set by the user can affect XML output.

    • If the display mode i s'xml-nons' then XML without namespace (xmlns) attributes will be generated instead of normal XML.

Files may also be used as parameter replacements, within a command.

session1> $saved_get = get --filter=@filter.xml --with-defaults=explicit

It is an error if the file referenced does not exist or cannot be read.


Any command can be entered at the interactive shell, or stored in a script file, and invoked with the run command. Scripts are simply text files, and the extension used does not matter.

There are no formal templates for scripts, like there are for RPC operations, at this time. Instead, positional parameters can be passed to any script.

The parameters named '--P1' to '--P9' allow up to 9 parameters to be passed to any script. Within each script, the numbered parameters '$1' to '$9' are available, and contain the value that was passed as the corresponding --Pn parameter when calling the script.

If a line contains only optional whitespace, followed by the pound sign character '#', then the line is treated as a comment. These lines will be skipped.

If an error occurs during a command within a script, or an <rpc-error> is received from the server during a NETCONF session, then the running script will be canceled, and if this was a nested script, then all parent scripts will also be canceled.

Script Example:

> run connect --P1=andy --P2==localhost --P3=yangrocks

// connect script

# start a NETCONF session
$user = $1
$server = $2
$password = $3

> connect --user=$user --server=$server --password=$password

Run Levels

The run command can appear in a script.

When yangcli-pro starts up, either in interactive mode or in batch mode, the script interpreter is at run level zero. Each time a run command is invoked, either at the command line or within a script currently being invoked, a new run level with the next higher value is assigned. Local variables are only visible within the current run level.

A maximum of 512 run levels are supported in yangcli-pro.

Scripts can be called recursively, but a stop condition needs to be used to break the recursion (e.g., call the script from within a conditional code block.

Conditional Command Blocks

The if, elif, else, and end commands are used to create an 'if command sequence'.

Any other commands that appear between these commands are part of a conditional command block.

These blocks can be nested. The current conditional state is inherited, so an if command sequence within a false conditional block will not be executed. A block can contain zero or more command lines,

These command work exactly like an 'if' expression within a program language such as Python. Note that indentation is not significant, but it may be used to make scripts more readable.

The if command starts a new if-command sequence. It is followed by a conditional command block. This block ends when an elif, else, or end command within the same if command block is encountered.

At most, only one conditional code block within the if command sequence will be executed. Once a conditional command block has been executed, any remaining blocks will be skipped.

All user and system variables that are available to the current script run level can be used within the XPath expressions for determining the conditional block state (true or false).

Conditional Command Loop Blocks

The while and end commands are used to create an 'while loop sequence'.

Any other commands that appear between these commands are part of a conditional command loop block.

These blocks can be nested. The current conditional state is inherited, so a while loop sequence within a false conditional block will not be executed. A block can contain zero or more command lines,

The loop condition can be a constant expression. The maxloops parameter will prevent infinite looping, and can be utilized to use the while loop sequence as a simple 'for' loop, iterating a specific number of times.

All user and system variables that are available to the current script run level can be used within the XPath expressions for determining the conditional block state (continue or terminate loop).

The following script does not do any useful work. It is provided to demonstrate some simple script constructs.

# Sample Script 1

$x = 0
while '$x < 2'
  # this is a comment
  log-info 'start 1'
  $x = eval '$x + 1'
  $y = 0
  while '$y < 4'
    log-info 'start 2'
    $y = eval '$y + 1'
    if "module-loaded('test')"
      log-info 'module test loaded'
    elif '$x > 1'
      log-info 'x>1'
    elif "feature-enabled('test3', 'feature1')"
      log-info 'feature1'
      log-info 'else'
    log-info 'end 2'

  log-info 'end 1'
if "feature-enabled('test5', 'feature-foo')"
  log-info 'feature-foo'
  run add-foo-parms

The following script demonstrates how to run multiple edits on the ietf-interfaces.yang data module:

# Sample Script 2

$x = 0
$y = interfaces
$z = interface
$value = ianaift:l2vlan

while '$x < 5'
    create /if:$y/if:$z[if:name='vlan$x']/if:type value=$value
    $x = eval '$x + 1'

yangcli-pro Configuration Parameter List

The following configuration parameters are used by yangcli-pro. Refer to the YumaPro CLI Reference for more details.




Specifies the command aliases file to use.


Enable or disable the run-shell command.


Controls whether alternate names will be checked for UrlPath searches.


Controls whether the 'connect' command will prompt for password parameter (if it is not provided).


Controls automatic sending of <discard-changes> to cleanup edit


Controls automatic sending of keepalive messages. NOT IMPLEMENTED - IGNORED.


Controls automatic reconnecting to dropped sessions


Controls how often automatic reconnect is attempted.


Controls maximum number of reconnect attempts


Controls automatic loading and saving of the command aliases


Controls whether partial commands are allowed or not.


Controls whether the running configuration will be retrieved automatically for active sessions.


Controls whether the running configuration will be retrieved automatically for active sessions, while editing in config mode


Controls whether saved device configurations are loaded at startup and saved upon exit.


Controls whether the saved event_handlers will be loaded into memory at startup and saved to file at exit.


Controls whether th command line history buffer will be automatically loaded at startup and saved on exit.


Controls whether modules used by the server will be loaded automatically, as needed.


Controls whether the modules retrieved with the <get-schema> operation are cached for use by the running instance of yangcli-pro.


Controls whether the <get> operation will be used to retrieve the /netconf-state/schemas sub-tree.


Controls whether the cached YANG modules will be saved upon exit


Controls whether notifications will automatically be enabled when a session starts.


Controls whether the 'save' and 'apply' commands will NV-save the configuration changes or not.


Controls whether saved session configurations are loaded at startup and saved upon exit.


Controls whether the saved schema servers will be loaded into memory at startup and saved to file at exit.


Controls whether the saved sessions will be loaded into memory at startup and saved to file at exit.


Controls whether the saved test suites will be loaded into memory at startup and saved to file at exit.


Controls whether saved user configurations are loaded at startup and saved upon exit.


Controls automatic loading and saving of the global user variables


Controls how bad data about to be sent to the server is handled.


Indicates the interactive shell should not be used.


Maximum number of bytes o display of binary data for a YANG object


Controls the behavior when the break key (Control C) is pressed


IP address to use to listen for Call Home SSH or TLS requests


Enable or disable the IETF Call Home protocol


TCP port number to use to listen for NETCONF over SSH Call Home requests


TCP port number to use to listen for NETCONF over TLS Call Home requests


One or more name of a configured user entries to use for Call Home connections


Controls whether YANG <rpc> validation is done


Controls whether YANG <rpc> validation errors are treated as errors or warnings


Controls whether YANG <rpc-reply> validation is done


Controls whether YANG <rpc-reply> validation errors are treated as errors or warnings


Specifies the configuration file to use for parameters.


Controls how edits in config term mode are saved to NV-storage if the server supports the :startup capability.


If 'true' then edits done in config mode will be made to the candidate datastore if possible. The edits will not be committed to the running datastore automatically.


Controls how edits are applied during configuration mode


Sets the number of retry attempts allowed to verify a Confirmed Parameter


Sets the data file search path.


Specifies the default module to use to resolve identifiers.


Species one or more YANG modules to load as deviations.`


Specifies a top-level command that should be disabled and not visible or available to a user. If the value does not contain a module name prefix, then the command will be disabled in all modules.


Specifies how values should be displayed.


Specifies the log-level needed to echo unregistered notifications to the log and/or STDOUT.


Specifies whether unregistered notifications will be output to the log or STDOUT.


Controls whether RPC replies will be displayed in the log output, if log-level >= 'info'


Controls the desired RESTCONF encoding format.


RESTCONF entry point. Use this string instead of retrieving the XRD from the RESTCONF server to discover the entry point


Leaf list of features to disable


Specifies a feature that should be enabled


Specifies if a feature should be enabled or disabled by default


Specifies the default value for the –optional flag for the operations that fill YANG datastore contents


Controls whether PDUs are changed to canonical order before sending them to the server.


Controls whether the candidate or running configuration datastore will be used as the default edit target, when both are supported by the server.


Controls the behavior of the XML parser and dictates how a bad RPC reply will be handled.


Get program help.


Adjust the help output (--brief or --full).


Width of help text line for '?' help key output


Specifies a top-level command that should be enabled but not visible to a user.


Specifies the libtecla command line history file to use


Override the $HOME environment variable.


Specifies whether a missing variable in a data template is an error or the variable expands to an empty string


Specifies the indent count to use when writing data.


Specifies if unverified client certificates will be accepted (DEBUG only)


Specifies the keepalive message interval. NOT IMPLEMENTED.


Specifies if multiple leaf-lists allowed in 1 line in config mode


Specifies the log file to use instead of STDOUT. See the YumaPro User Manual for a general discussion of logging.


Controls whether a log file will be reused or overwritten.


Append stack trace information to log messages.


Add additional (compiler/OS dependent) detail to stack trace information.


Specify message level(s) for which stack trace information will be generated.


Include stack trace information in the specified output stream(s


Specifies that log output will be sent to STDOUT after being sent to log file and/or syslog


Include additional information (level/date/time) with log message.


Include a microseconds field in the log timestamps.


Specifies verbosity level of log message output


Synonym for log-console.


Specifies that error level log messages will be sent to STDERR.


If present, strip certain control characters from output in order to modify log formatting.


Send log message output to the syslog daemon.


Sets the syslog debug logging level filter for output to the syslog file


Match mode to use for UrlPath searches in config mode


Match mode to use for UrlPath searches in exec mode


The number of spaces to indent for each level of output in a protocol message, e.g. NETCONF request.


Sets the module search path.


Specifies one or more YANG modules to load upon startup.


Specifies the NETCONF server port number to use in the connect command.


Disables the alias substitution feature.


Specifies that the default configuration file should not be loaded if it exists. Not a configuration file parameter.


Specifies that keys will be used instead of a password. Ignored if used as a configuration file parameter.


Specifies the default value of the $$optional variable. This will affect all input, not just YANG datastore contents. Use with caution!


Specifies the password to use in the connect command.


Contains the file path specification for the file containing the client-side private key.


Set a complete custom prompt for yp-shell


Customize a prompt name for yp-shell.


Selects the type of prompt string that will be used in interactive mode.


Controls which NETCONF protocol versions will be enabled. Ignored if used in a configuration file.


Contains the file path specification for the file containing the client-side public key


Controls whether an 'restrict edit mode' will be supported for yp-shell.


Sets the executable file search path.


Specifies the command to run at startup time.


Specifies the script to run at startup time.


Specifies if session variables will be saved when the program exits.


Controls whether the program will stop for input when running a script in interactive mode.


Specifies the server address to use in the connect command.


Specifies whether RPC operations learned from server YANG modules will be added as a command available to the user.


The shell program to invoke for the run-shell command.


Show or suppress message headers in server response display


Contains the file path specification for the file containing the client-side SSL certificate.


If true then an attempt to establish a plain TCP connection will be made if an SSL connection cannot be made.


Contains the file path specification for the file containing the client-side SSL key


Contains the file path specification for the file containing the client-side ssl trust-store, or the path specification for the directory to use for finding trusted certificates`


Specifies whether child sub-directories should be searched when looking for files.


The number of seconds to wait for the TCP connect function to finish


Specifies the number of lines that should be printed per page if paginated output is used.


Specifies the name of the test suite file to load if --autotest=true.


Measure the round-trip time of each <rpc> request and <rpc-reply> at the session level.


Save rpc statistics to the specified or default statistics file if the time-rpcs variable is also true.


Save rpc statistics to the specified file if the --time-rpc-stats and time-rpcs variables are true.


Specifies the timeout to use in the connect command.


Specified the transport protocol to use (ssh, tcp, or tpc-ncx)


Controls whether data templates are enabled


Controls how file result variables will be read. If true then the YANG object template will not be used when parsing the XML file.


Controls how global variables will be handled when set from the context of a named session. If true then session-specific variables will be used.


Controls whether the 'trace-id' attribute will be set in the RPC calls or not. By default, 'trace-id' attribute is disabled.


Specifies how file result variables will be written for XML files. Controls whether the XML preamble header will be written or not.


The default user name for NETCONF sessions.


Specifies the global user variable files to load.


Prints the program version and exits.


Treat all warnings as errors


Controls how identifier lengths are checked.


Controls how line lengths are checked.


Suppresses the specified warning number.


Suppresses all YANG warnings


Elevates the specified warning number to an error


Enable wildcards on key leaf values


Controls whether an enable mode will be supported for yp-shell.


Controls whether notification commands are available in yp-shell


Controls whether OpenConfig pattern syntax will be checked


Controls whether Terminal Diagnostic events are supported


Specifies a yangmap XML file that should be loaded into the program


Specifies if exec type commands are available in the yp-shell program


Specifies the $YUMAPRO_HOME project root to use when searching for files.